5:30 pm
Rutland, VT: Rutland Area Food Co-op
VSECU film series: Food for Change VSECU, Rutland Area Food Co-op and the Vermont Employee Ownership Center co-present a free community film screening on Wednesday, October 26th. Come watch the documentary "Food For Change: The Story of Cooperation in America", at at Community College of Vermont - Rutland. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. at 60 West Street, Rutland. […]
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Ashland, OR: Ashland Food Co-op
Ashland,OR: Ashland Food Co-op is the region's only Certified Organic Retailer. With a mission of being a socially responsible business, the Co-op offers a full selection of natural and organic products, including many that are locally grown or produced. Our Basic Pricing program provides significant savings on select products all year. Our knowledgeable staff will […]
Find out more »Ft. Collins, CO: Fort Collins Food Co-operative
Fort Collins Food Co-operative The Fort Collins Food Co-Operative is your naturally local grocer's market. The Coop seeks to serve all those in our community who want to support their local circle of profit through buying locally sourced grocery items. Anyone can shop at the Coop, the member-owner structure simply exists to reinforce a local […]
Find out more »7:30 pm
Maynard, MA: Assabet Village Co-op Market
Assabet Village Co-op Market will screen the film at 7:30 p.m. at Fine Arts Theatre Place in Maynard, MA. Assabet Village Co-op Market is an initiative to open a community-owned, full-service grocery store in Maynard, MA serving the MetroWest region. Our mission is 4-fold: - be a center of community activity - support the regional […]
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Screenings of Food for Change — National Co-op Month, October 2018
Not on the calendar? Email us to host a screening.